Brad Harper over at the newspaper put together
an article of "Movers and Shakers" who are "changing what it means to live and work in Central Alabama". He says it like thats a good thing. I would have titled the list "most likely to be indicted" and includes an array of those skirting the law as barely legally as they can. However buried at the bottom of the page was a clue for Biscuits fans in the description of one of the list subjects.
Sherry Myers, Biscuits owner.
Most blog readers know I get a little touchy concerning the owner, but I really do think we could do way worse. She smiles and plenty owners don't get that far, shes polite and accessible way beyond what some teams have with their corporate ownership. This isn't really about how I feel at all.
Skitz owner |
But what it is about is that we see no Tom Dickson listed. This article is worded as though Sherry is the sole and independent owner. In fact it refers to her as "the team owner", not "one of the teams owners" as we have seen her so often listed in the past. So maybe the team is ready to just admit that we have but one owner.
And thats team news, hidden well but intact. There ya go, thats November Biscuits news!
In winter months news is a rare thing for minor league baseball, and teams try to make sure they make their own announcements. Thats why I took pride in being the first to tweet the news of the Biloxi team announcing its team name on the 24th. I had noticed the info on the blog of a Biloxi area highschool football reporter and tweeted it, knowing the name the team contest that they said they would never hold but did indeed hold would be of interest.
photo courtesy @bubba36109's twitter feed |
However the Biloxi baseball folks probably were annoyed to see that I put it out there, the next day they began a barrage of "RSVP to our big announcement" tweets! Haha welcome to the Southern league, Biloxi!
wait, what? You want OTHER news?
Okay. Yes sir, you betcha. How about this...
Yes, the Jacksonville Suns were jealous when the Rays visited the Biscuits, so they will be announcing their own
exhibition game against their parent club. The last time the Marlins faced the Suns in Jville Stanton was known as Mike and hit a homer for the Suns. Now he will be on the other side!
Whaa? MORE? You want MORE?
Mateo twirls NoHitter |
Popular starting pitcher Victor Mateo was signed by the Braves, as I tweeted last week and was discussed in the blog comments.
The author of the first No Hitter at Riverwalk was allowed to walk away from the Rays organization, drawing into question again the intentions of the Front office and scouting by the parent club.
If you havent noticed, twitter has been one of the main sources for news in the offseason. @DrMiraculous is my entry into the realm of 140characters or less - though you wont find me going anywhere near facebook. I am guilty of tweeting baseball related news that should go into the blog without posting it here. My bad!
WHERE THE ACTION ISThis time of year most self respecting ballplayers have gone home to hit the gym, work on their swings or refine pitch delivery. Some guys however, just can't get enough. They pack their gear and head south to follow the sun and get into a few more games. Here we have a quick list I put together of Biscuit alum who are still waking up every morning and wondering where they are listed on todays lineup card.
In PuertoRico

The rosters hadn't been announced when this list was compiled so I might miss someone, but we know that Cameron Seitzer is there for winter games and his wife is there for the food. Chelsea tweets some delicious photos of the native cuisine, including one of my favorite dishes, Mofongo.
Sergio Espinosa |
Also in P.R.'s Clemente League is Jimmy Patterson, hurling for the Giants.
Pitchers Shane Dyer and Sergio Espinosa are with the Senators. I thought I recognized Sergio's name, so to be sure I checked out
his player page and the photo I saw confirmed his past Biscuit-ness.
In Venezuela
Taylor Motter's OF Award |

Guys like Southern league OF of the Year Taylor Motter and pitchers Matt Nevarez and James Houser appear with Bravos de Margarita
Former Biscuit Daniel Mayora is playing for Caracas Leones
Pitcher Jake Thompson is on the Tiburones de la Guaira
In the Dominican League...
Pitcher Matt Ramsey is with Agilas Cibaenas
The Estrellas de Oriente have Chris Rearick and powerhitting first baseman Matt Fields
With the Leones del Ascogido are three former Skitz, Frankie de la Cruz, Merrill Kelly and Enny Romero
Tigres del Licey Jesus Colome and Braulio Lara - Mayo Acosta is playing for the Toros del Este
Bortnick in Australia |
Down in the Australian league there are two names on Biscuits radar, one future & one former - Brisbane Bandits catcher Maxx Tissenbaum is bound for Biscuitville in 2016 and the Sydney Blue Sox leadoff hitter is infielder Tyler Bortnick.
Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi oi oi!
The Australian Baseball league has put up nice american dollars to upgrade the video and can be
seen on their new youtube channel streaming live games on weekends. They usually start between 10pm-1am so its some nice late night baseball. The ABL also
streams on where it has had games for a couple-three seasons.
ABL Action, ump runs thru crowd to check with pressbox on balls-strikes count |
I can't say enough good things about the ABL game broadcasts, no matter what team. The production quality is great, the announcers baseball-savvy Aussies and the league talent level is wonderful. There are Bull Durham moments with Aussie flavor that make it even more endearing and its a fabulous down under game experience to watch!
The Venezuelan league could use more bandwidth, there are times it looks like watching a game thru a shower door. However the games can be seen and its easy to follow the games progress simply by listening to the announcers.
The VBL games are for serious fans only, its not easy to sit back and just watch due to the tech issues. The announcers are spanish speaking but make up for any lack of understandability with enthusiasm. If the video was better quality I could recommend this higher, but until then its tough to tune in and follow any single team.
Video feed can be
found at and searching the feeds for the games that usually start about seven pm.

Also available on are Mexican league games, of a much higher quality video feed but with fewer mlb prospects that affect either the Biscuits or the Rays. Its a good level of ball though and worth a viewing for those of us
desperate for baseball keeping an eye on the winter leagues.
I do not currently have info on watching Dominican or PR Clemente league games, if anyone knows where, feel free to post in the comments!