In the spring 1867 Dr. A.T. Pearsall came to town and hung his shingle in front of a Court Square doctors office. A few short weeks later Montgomery had its first baseball team, with Doc Pearsall at first base.
And it is no coincidence, Pearsall brings a baseball pedigree rarely found on teams in the south. Although born in Florence, Alabama, our first baseman has grown up in New York state and is exposed to the early game of base ball.
During his college years was among the best players in the young game while with the Brooklyn Excelsiors of 1857-61. Serving for the Confederacy as a surgeon got him banned in Brooklyn but after the war he helped organize teams in Richmond before bringing the game of baseball to Montgomery.
That was exactly 150 years ago this May.
To honor this sesquicentennial, I am humbled to have been asked to offer a presentation on the fascinating Dr. Pearsall at the 14th Annual Southern Association Baseball Conference on March 4th, at historic Rickwood Field in Birmingham.
I am thrilled to help raise awareness about the start of the game in our area, few places are as fortunate as to be able to put a date and face to the genesis of baseball in their city. But that wasn't the only thing I wanted to do to mark the 150th year of baseball in Montgomery and the efforts Dr. Pearsall put forth to get the game going.

Last summer I met a gentleman who inquired if I would have interest in an old style 19th century base ball club. You can guess my response!
He identified himself as Jackrabbit Panhorst, a vintage baseballist with previous game experience and a desire to extend his base ball resume'. I received his card and in January we reconvened to explore the concept further. We agreed it would be terrific fun to have a chance to play old style baseball. Even better that it was 150 years since Dr. Pearsall played first base for the first team in Montgomery.
About a fortnight ago I had the pleasure of sitting with Jackrabbit, Ryan the Needler and RavenChris to formally organize the Montgomery Base Ball Club.
(nicknames are a requirement in old time base ball!) A more knowledgeable and capable group could not have been assembled for the task.
The rules are simple in 1850-70's style, no gloves and a catch on one bound is an out. No sliding, no stealing, no swearing. Defenders play within two steps of their bases and pitchers throw underhanded.
It is base ball, much as it was in 1870 when Dr.Pearsall arrived in Montgomery. The pace of the game seems a little slower in some ways, as the individual players weave themselves into the tapestry of the unfolding scene.
The deliberate pace is not lacking in drama though, at any moment a well struck ball will rip across the field with the ensuing scramble bringing the etchings of the past into vivid motion.
Most of all, it is great fun. Its base ball just as it was intended it to be.

If you have an interest in playing, or even just watching, the team meets every other Wednesday at the WeeTop in Blount Park around 5pm.
We are accepting to all ages, races, genders and levels of ability. Our next meeting is on March 1st. Simply bring a love of old time base ball!
Women BaseBallists welcome |
It stings the hands a little, when the ball strikes the bat.
But its the comforting sting of the joyful past time, rewarded by the
familiar glance to view the orb arcing across a clear sky. And then the
most pleasant of efforts, running free across grassy fields in the
Afield, grasping the sphere and hurling it as far as one can
is a natural desire, a fulfillment found in the simple action much more
than the result.
We are putting together uniforms, simple to make and designed in the style of the era. Each regular team member will wear a uniform at matches but not required for practices.
We have met twice so far and already we picked up a few things that the early teams and their organizers learned - it can be tough finding a place to play that allows beer.
It isnt likely we can use the field on Sundays.
Also, until we have multiple teams in the area, finding an opponent can be a challenge.
Neil Berry |
Former Montgomery Mgr Neil Berry died last August, he skippered the Rebels in 1958 in the Alabama/Florida League.
The Kalamazoo native was a MLB infielder for seven seasons and led the Rebels to a 65-61 record in the summer of 1958.
When I caught up with Taylor last week, he had already thrown three bullpen sessions and was feeling great about his progress in spring camp.
Taylor was very aware of the many pitchers vying for rotation spots in Tampa and Durham and felt there was a good chance he would start the season in Montgomery. He was kind enough to answer a few questions for me!
DrM: When you came to the Biscuits mid-season 2015, who told you that you were going to be a Biscuit and what was your reaction?Taylor G: The high A manager. I was excited to move one step closer to the ultimate goal.
DrM: What were your impressions of the city before you got here and was Montgomery what you expected it to be?Taylor G: Montgomery is a cool city. I've always enjoyed playing in the middle of downtown.
DrM: In your opinion, what is the biggest adjustment for a player coming from High-A Port Charlotte to Double-A Montgomery?Taylor G: The consistency at the AA level is probably the biggest adjustment.
DrM: It looked to me like you were getting more ground balls last summer than in 2015, inducing weak contact for a career high in GIDP but also wild pitches. Was that by design or just how it turned out?Taylor G: 2016 was a year of bad mechanics for me. Which ultimately lead to bad execution on my part on the mound.
DrM: I know you are a music fan, what are you listening to lately? Taylor G: Currently listening to Washed Out radio on pandora. Indie rock vibes
DrM: You told me you shot an 82 at Chambers Bay in Washington, what other highlights did your offseason have?Taylor
G: The whole offseason seems like a blur sometimes, but spending time
with my mom & dad was definitely the biggest highlight for me. Being
so close to home, I know they really appreciate it, as do I.
Last year you threw almost 150 innings for the first time so far in
your pro career. Did you do anything differently in your offseason
program this winter after the extra work during the season?Taylor
G: Same training I've been doing now for the past 3 years. A lot of my
success goes to Eric Cressey & Brian Kaplan at CSP, where I train.
DrM: Do you remember the first MLB game you attended? Also, who were your fave players when you were growing up?Taylor G: Of course! Atlanta Braves @ Turner Field. I honestly never really had a favorite player.
DrM: Thanks so much Taylor, I really appreciate it and wish you absolutely the best this season!