Friday, February 21, 2025

It's Just Some Pictures, Guys

It's just pictures, guys. Let's go!

Let me explain.

In 2016 I was approached by the team front office for images of their players to supplement their promotions. I said no problem, I like to help out. I had previously been providing them images as requested for free, but the team indicated they wanted to move beyond that and work together. I was happy to do so. 

 BAS 2016 Grandstand Montgomery Biscuits Willy Adames Authentic Auto

I shot the pictures for the team baseball card set and heard a lot of good feedback from players, fans and the front office. I was paid exactly one hundred dollars for what amounted to two weeks of shooting, focused on getting usable shots of each player. It was a lot of work, but I enjoyed it and didn't mind the low pay. Probably came out to about two dollars a picture, instead of the usual pro rate of $25-$125 per. I was helping the team, right?

Later that summer I was told by the front office
that my images had been mistakenly passed to an advertiser, but was not told who. My images were on a portable usb device that had somehow been handed off, and I would not get my usb device back. Okay, fine.

 2016 Southern League All Star N Jake Faria RC Rookie Rays - Picture 1 of 1

Then I found my images used without my knowledge for third-party merchandise. As many as four images of players I had shot were included in the Southern League All-Star team card set produced by the Mississippi Braves. I was not asked and if I signed away permission for their use I do not recall it, as I was under the impression our agreement was for the use of my images for Biscuit promotions. 

Either way it would have been nice to be compensated, provided a copy for my own archives or at least told about the use.

After that, I was quietly refused further photography jobs with the team. I have repeatedly asked what we can do to continue our work together. But instead, the club first handed an expensive camera to entry level staffers before finally hiring a media person for camera work along with many other duties during games. Fine, whatever.

When MLB took over MiLB and the pandemic shut down the season, my media pass became obsolete. Since then I have repeatedly requested media access from the Biscuits, who have said "Oh sure we will email you that info. It comes from MLB now." It is literally the same guy I worked with when shooting for and Minor League Baseball with no problems, but I don't have his contact info so I requested several times to be put in touch. 

I've been waiting to hear back from the Biscuits with that contact info, which I request every six months.

For four years.

I do not understand the delay. Nor do I appreciate it, since I have been quietly sitting on the fact that my images were likely used for third-party merch and been denied further work with them.

My photography over the past twenty years includes working with equipment companies, sports agents and players themselves. My photos have appeared in magazines, newspapers, MLB programs and promotions, as well as on national television news programs. I have worked as an on-field photographer at multiple MiLB parks, in dugouts and bullpens during games, quietly doing the job at hand while building a reputation for quality pictures.

Before each game I go to the pressbox and find the info package made available to the media. The Biscuits used to offer that info for season ticket holders, of which I am also one. But they quit that, in spite of the fact that after the game those very sheets of paper are literally dropped in the trashcan. 

This past season I was stopped by an usher who accosted me about going upstairs, verboten to ye peasants of the seating bowl. I mentioned that I had previously had a pass, and he demanded to see it. When I brought the expired pass, which I explained WAS EXPIRED, he took it as valid and said I was good to go upstairs. Uh okay. Of course a day or two later I was again stopped by said usher, who was mad that I had deceived him with my old pass! 

So now, every usher in Biscuitville has my mugshot saying - DO NOT LET HIM UPSTAIRS. 

My buddy goes up to get the same media info every game. I followed him and got tagged by the usher like a highschool kid caught smoking in the boys room.

As with the MLB/MiLB contact, I have repeatedly requested this media stat pack of info, being told "Oh sure, we will bring it to you." only to have it be brought one time and then forgotten. Which is fine if I have access to grab that handful of wastepaper myself.


Whats in those secret files that are being secured behind an army of polo-topped sentries?

The media pack includes a single page with both teams lineups on the face, along with the umpires and a list of each teams roster by uniform number. This is incredibly valuable to a photographer, knowing the actual players and positions instead of the often errant lineup published early in the day is golden. Not to mention being able to tell quickly who a substitution is by the their uniform number, which is also often incorrect in programs and pre-game lineups.

There is also a deep list of player and team stats. Also worth its weight in gold for photogs. Learning who might be utilized due to their metrics helps prepare for action, knowing a hitter is scuffling means you get a shot of him in the field or else you will end up with pictures of him striking out or staring at an infield popup in the batters box. Players KNOW, multiple times I have had a guy say "Oh man thats a swing-and-miss" on a shot of them at bat.

Team notes. Each team's media crew provides a brief that includes a bio of the days starting pitcher and each of the position players. It also provides info on the relievers and serves as a mini media guide. All the info you won't be hearing from the broadcast booth because you are shooting the game and not listening to the radio/tv call. Many who get these sheets may not read them but it is part of my pre-game to go through EVERY PAGE and highlight any stats that seem like they would impact my days photography. If you have seen me at the ballpark before the game with my nose in some papers and a pen in hand, that's what I am doing.  

I've never requested an autograph while working with credentials, never kept a foul ball or asked for a souvenir while working. I practically refuse to speak to players while on the field. I've never fraternized with players or officials before or after a credentialed media event and I have tried to handle business with respect and professional courtesy.

I'm not demanding a job, if they want to pay a staffer who won't spend it at the beer cart, that is their decision and something that should have been happening every game since 2004. I'm also not competing with them, in fact I think I hype their brand more than any single non-team entity.

Why the delay on the MLB media contact and the refusal for stat packs that literally help me pimp them?

So thats why I say, it's just some pictures, guys! Let's go!



Sunday, February 9, 2025

Rebels Footage By Request! Back to Baseball

Can we get back to baseball now? Great!

I said last time that the Biscuits may be for sale, and that could be a possibility. It could also be that they are suffering from back-burner-ism, with the Rays concerned about where they will play and owner Lou working to secure the same details for his Flying Squirrels. Montgomery fans may have to sit on their hands and wait their turn. 

Whether those details could play into the future of the Biscuits is up in the air, though I would think the Rays might kick the can down the road just to not have another thing to worry about during their ballpark transition.



Meeting Goose Gossage was pleasant, he told me a nice story about playing in Japan. "It was just like 'Mr. Baseball'" he told me, and mentioned the move came about due to being blackballed by MLB managers Don Zimmer and Roger Craig. "We have since buried the hatchet," he said, but I could tell he wished it was buried in someones neck instead of wherever they had left it when they made amends. Gossage was great, launching quickly into ballplayer mode with full swearing and gesturing, regardless of the high class location and proximity to expensive suits.

 Fukuoka Daiei Hawks, 1990 : r/baseball


Someone asked recently if I had any Alan Trammell/Lou Whitaker Montgomery Rebels stuff. Oh the delicious irony. Someone else had just recently sent me a link to old broadcasts of local news shows. Talk about a wayback machine, I could not turn my eyes away! After two days of drying my retinas nonstop I found a few gems that I think everyone might appreciate. 


Here is a great clip worth clicking thru to watch...

Beginning at 12:12 you will see the Montgomery Rebels first spring workout at Paterson Field in 1977, this is the first time Trammell and Whitaker worked together outside of spring camp, having not yet appeared in a single game. 

I will save you the effort of watching the hours of footage like I did. There were only a handful of baseball related items.


It's a real blast from the past!

Rebels footage is found in this broadcast, gotta love those classic orange tops! 

More orange tops in this interview with Al Green, Rebels outfielder in '78.


This image is Ted Brazell, Mark Fidrych and other Rebels doing groundskeeper work when the city decided to punish the team by pulling basic support.


The tech thing kicked our ass. We recorded about three epi's but the sound levels were atrocious, and holiday fun prevented us from working it up. Not to worry, Uncle Mikey and I will be back at it in the next few weeks producing new content with new equipment! Thanks for sticking it out and not throwing things at us. Yet. 


Since I have been tardy and ya'll been so patient, I'm including another video.. yeah ikr.. this one is from last years conference, Jeb Stewart gave a fantastic bio of former Montgomery Negro League catcher Paul Hardy.